How to Fly Your Kite Like a Pro
Understanding wind windows and air speed and direction is crucial when learning to fly a kite. Insufficient airflow may prevent your kite from taking off, while excessive airflow can cause you or your kite to sustain damage.
To ensure a positive learning experience, it’s important to match the size of your kite to the current airflow conditions, rather than buying multiple kites.
While you don’t need to know the exact speed and direction of the airflow, having a reasonable estimate of its strength and source is essential. If you’re starting with a power or traction kite, exercise caution as these kites are designed to generate significant pulling force.
Flying a power kite in excessive gusts can lead to an uncontrollable ride, potentially resulting in injuries. To gauge air direction and speed, many kite flyers use windsocks, spinsocks, or observe the movement of tree branches and other vegetation.
Consider investing in a handheld electronic airflow meter for more precise measurement. I often rely on glancing at branches on a tree located at the end of the park where I fly my kite.
Wind Window
Understanding the Airflow is also crucial. The airflow Window refers to the area where your kite performs best. In the diagram provided (Diagram 1A), the red and orange areas represent the Air current Window. The white area indicates the path of the airflow, providing the maximum pulling force for power kites or enhanced control and speed for stunt or sport kites.
The tan areas indicate a decrease in power or slowing down of the kite. Turns, as well as launching and landing, are typically done in the tan area. The edge (green area) of the airflow Window marks the point where the airflow has the least impact on the kite.
The exact location of this edge varies depending on the kite’s style. When the kite approaches the grey area, it may “luft” or “stall,” causing it to drop. In such cases, taking a few quick steps backward can bring the kite back into the tan area, allowing you to continue flying.
To safely land your kite, regardless of Air current power, guide it past the edge of the airflow Window and slightly toward the ground. Keep in mind that as the kite passes through the Windows, there will be an increase in speed and power.
It’s crucial to be prepared for this change, particularly in the pink area where airflow strength can be deceptive. Beginners flying power kites should pay special attention to this to avoid accidents. Certain kite designs, such as ram-air style kites, can generate additional power as they increase speed during turns. This can be challenging for novice kite flyers.
In addition to the horizontal view of the Air current Window, it’s important to understand the vertical aspect as well. The RED area represents the region of heavy power where the kite experiences high altitude. As the kite climbs, power and speed decrease.
The Orange area represents the light power zone, while the Green area indicates the upper edge of the airflow Window. Some kite flyers refer to the edge of the vertical airflow Window as the “rest” position.
Keep in mind that different kites have distinct behaviors throughout the power window areas. For example, ram-air style kites may still exhibit significant lift at the edge of the vertical power window, even in extremely strong winds.
Other kite designs, such as surf kites, are designed to provide substantial lift at the top of the Air current Window. To understand how your kite performs, observe its behavior on calmer Air current days. This will give you an idea of what to expect in stronger airflow conditions.
Air current direction
Strong air gusts can also be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. They can pull you downwind or even knock you over, even if your kite is positioned near the edge of the power window. Always stay aware of the airflow and its behavior while flying.
As you gain more experience flying kites, you’ll become more comfortable with the power of your kite and wind strength. Experienced kite flyers can sense differences in Air current force through the kite, lines, and handles, allowing them to make quick adjustments.
For beginners, we recommend paying attention to the feeling of the airflow on your back, hair, or the back of your ears to estimate Air current force and direction.
Although a wind sock or electronic airflow meter provides more precise measurements, you can also determine wind direction by slowly turning your head back and forth until you feel or hear the Air current evenly against the back of your ears.
When you sense the Air current equally, you are facing directly downwind, providing you with an understanding of the airflow Window and the area you can cover while flying your kite.